Hill of Tarvit
Hill of Tarvit – rejuvenated for its centenary year, 2006.
To mark and celebrate the centenary year of Hill of Tarvit, home to the Sharp family, a co-ordinated series of conservation works were proposed. My role as Regional Director and Project Manager was to ensure the strands of the project were all delivered on time and in proper sequence. The works involved the final stages of a building repairs programme including the renewal of the limewash to its original stunning white finish. A major re-hang of the paintings, and re-display of the furnishings were undertaken as were significant works to the gardens including major surgery to the Robert Lorimer designed hedging which had become overgrown. The family billiard table was rediscovered in the Officers Mess at RAF Leuchars and returned to its original setting in exchange for a replacement being provided. On project completion a fly past salute was arranged.
Hill of Tarvit – revival of its Hickory Golf course in collaboration with Golf & Thistle.
I managed to influence and motivate a private investor to work with NTS to re-create the original Sharp Family golf course. With his own capital and under the Golf & Thistle brand he successfully restored the field in front of the house into a magnificent 9-hole course based on the historic map for the Kingarrock course found in the house. Exclusively for playing with original hickory clubs and replica balls of the 1920’s this is a truly amazing experience for all, golfers and non-golfers alike. The course is now managed fully by NTS.